IN 1513, Ponce De Leon is looking for something... What is he looking for? If you answered The Fountain of Youth, you are correct. When he finds this island, he is not greeted with smiles, life, & color: instead everywhere he walks, every step he takes, he is crunching something under his feet... piles and piles of bleached white human bones.
Seems like a perfect setting for a great ghost story. Key West is now considered in the top 5 most haunted cities in the United States. Join me for an hour and half long spooky storytime that you will not soon forget.
Ghost tour includes: A 2- hour tour of all the dark and dank history of Key West. Historical photos and visual aides bring the stories to life as we walk and explore the underbelly of the 5th most haunted city in the United States.
Call 305-290-1155 or (717) 816-4153 to book
Are you a lover of spooky crazy stories? Do you love historical stories that couldn’t possibly be true? Look no further than this book for a hauntingly amazing night of reading!
Campfire stories to read with your friends were inspired by all of the nights my friends and I have gathered around our campfire for countless hours of spellbinding entertainment...
Grab a copy of this book for your next campfire or friend night in and read these stories aloud. When one story is over, take a minute to digest the content and then pass the book to the next reader. I bet you’ll have a great time! -Enjoy my fellow weirdos!